Upcoming Events to visit with RISETEK, your smart parking technology experts……. Texas Parking & Transportation Association , April 22nd – 25th.  Mid-South Parking & Transportation Association, May 5th – 8th.  International Parking & Mobility Institute, June 8th – 11th.  Look forward to seeing you soon!

How License Plate Recognition (LPR) Technology Improves Parking Management
License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology uses cameras installed near car parks or car traffic areas to detect license plates. In some cases, license plate recognition is the only way to efficiently manage time and resources in parking areas or on roads with large numbers of vehicles. License Plate Recognition (LPR) is used in parking management to help control user behavior by enforcing parking regulations and ensuring vehicles stay in the correct parking areas for the right amount of time. This reduces overstays and helps keep parking spaces available for all drivers who are compliant. In most cases, license plate recognition helps communities, cities, and businesses reduce violation rates significantly.
RISETEK utilizes LPR technology combined with our artificial intelligence software to increase our customer’s parking operations in various applications including:

  • Compliance with payment applications that utilize license plate numbers for payment
  • Gated access for inbound and outbound traffic 
  • Whitelisting employees/visitors/pre-paid parkers  
  • Determining repeat violations and unauthorized vehicles 
  • Identifying vehicles that over-stay time limits
  • Parking area occupancy and space availability
  • Timely alerts of violations to enforcement staff and management
Organizations of all kinds in many types of industries can benefit from using license plate recognition technology because it allows them to control traffic to their properties. Risetek Global can meet the needs of organizations by providing intelligent LPR solutions that meet their specific needs and requirements.

RISETEK Global’s innovative, intelligent, state-of-the-art solutions combined with our “best practices” industry experience allow us to deliver proven results that optimize our customer’s business performance and empower them to achieve next-level success.Interested in learning more?Contact us using the form below or email us at sales@risetekglobal.com‎‎ to find out more.

RISETEK Global uses LPR Technology to Improve Parking Management

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